It's been quite sometime since an update, but this one will only be brief.
I have resigned as bass player for the band Sookie Jones.
My decision to leave has nothing to do with the band or it's members. They are a fine local "cover" band, and I wish them the best in the future. However, the "cover" band idea wasn't providing me the fulfillment I have come to appreciate in creating original music. I joined them during a time when I suppose I was looking for simply an opportunity to play music, and we did have fun. Plenty of work over the summer getting sets ready, and we jumped into the fall with a fairly active schedule. During the past couple weeks, we had been working at finding a new drummer, and the performance schedule has nothing until late December. This "off" time, gave me time to think about where things stood. I also spent this past weekend enjoying the music and fellowship with some area original music friends, and I realized I had wandered onto the wrong musical path for me. So, I promptly let the other members know of my resignation, and made it effective immediately. I'm sure there is disappointment and frustration on their part, as they didn't see it coming and thought all was well. To be honest, all was well until I took the time to review my own desires.
So, I'm back on the road to more "original music", and hope to get some ideas going soon.
Thanks for all who bother reading these posts. Keep in touch.