Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Does the church need bylaws?

So, I'm sitting around a dinner table with my mom and extended family. My step father (a retired pastor) and his daughter are talking about a recent church meeting where there was a debate about the church constitution and bylaws. The debate was at a "general council" meeting (which includes churches from around an entire region), but these type of debates also go on within individual churches.

After hearing them talk about the issues that were discussed and the debates, I asked if they could answer a question. My question was:

"If the Bible is the the final word from God and all we need, why do all the various denominations need additional constitutions or bylaws? And how can they sometimes be so radically different on specific issues, if they are all said to be bible based churches?"

We all agreed that it was simply man-made church government issues, and frequently does lead to individual pursuits of political power within the church.

Is this the way we want the world to see the church? I'm not so sure I like the impression this leaves with those who may be watching.



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