What I've found very helpful, is that the unit easily allows me to get good volume levels. Prior to this unit, my other preamps would frequently either distort or not have volume levels even close to other professional projects. Although this may not be an issue you would normally think about, it would become a headache when trying to add these low volume tracks to a play list. So, getting output that is at least "in the ballpark" with all other commercially marketed music, is helping. Note of caution: If you are using Windows 7, be sure to follow the setup directions on the ART site, for getting input/output settings correctly dialed in.
I recently updated Pro Tools 9, to the latest update of 9.0.3. No significant changes, but many minor tweaks to help various issues. I've got a low end digital drum kit talking to Pro Tools 9 via MIDI, and am able to use the digital kit to trigger voices within virtual drummer software Strike and Superior Drummer. This has proven very helpful with drum tracking, as I can tweak the mix after the fact. There are some limitations, but the benefits far out weigh any fixes needed.
Finally, I've gotten started applying some of my learning for Adobe Dreamweaver. At this point, I have the CS4 version (current is CS 5.5), but I've been slow in actually starting to use the software. I've jumped into a couple of sites, and am getting the hang of it. For now, my best shot has been with the site for my church - www.meadowspringschurch.org. It's not all done yet, but does work and I like the clean layout. I've also gotten a VERY basic site up at www.timhamm.com, and will be adding more info that that site soon. I've moved most of my sites over to a new hosting service (www.bluehost.com), and am also learning more about various hosting settings. Not all fun, but is good to learn some of the skills I've been studying for years.
That is all for now.
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