Thursday, October 02, 2008

I'm not racist...but I will have an opinion

It would seem that the only reason some believe I'm voting for McCain, is because I'm racist - at least, that's what they end up concluding. I'm getting tired of hearing these "thinking people" resort to name calling, in order to support their agenda that any "thinking person" cannot possibly support McCain. Well, I'm here to burst their bubble.

You see, I personally have no problem with race, and it plays no part in my choice for president or even friendships. I do have a problem with poor choices and bad judgment (regardless of race), and will not support either. Trouble is, just because I personally disagree and will not support someone due to their own choices, does not mean I have any problem with their skin color. You can be white, black, brown, yellow, whatever, and it has no bearing on whether I would consider you someone I would respect. It has everything to do with how you behave and present yourself, as well as whether you are respectful of others. A white person that is full of tattoos and body piercings may be a genius at rocket science, but their choices of "personal expression" will cause me to seriously consider their judgment. It has nothing to do with race. Similarly, the black or white or yellow man who wears his pants down around his knees may be a genius at economics or law. But, their choices of "personal expression" will again cause me to seriously consider their judgment. It has nothing to do with race. On the flip side, I could see a person well dressed and groomed who presents themselves well, could be a complete moron on just about every topic. I would be less likely to question their judgment, as they are not overtly displaying their own "personal expression". It has nothing to do with race.

The point is that I have no problem with Obama's race. I've got tons of problems with his lack of experience, and complete ignorance on how to fund his great plans for the USA. Not to mention, that ALL of his ideas would need congressional approval, and we know how productive those folks are (NOT!!). Obama may have grand ideas, but he seems to leave out how to accomplish them effectively.

I'm not without reservation regarding McCain, but the guy has decades more experience with regards to actually running the country. He's not the best choice, but he sure beats the pants off of an Obama presidency. At least McCain seems to understand that it's not all up to him to solve all the problems in the country, nor will he take that responsiblity. He understands the job involves leadership, and not just pandering.

It has nothing do to with race. It has everything to do with experience, judgment, and an understanding of what makes the USA great.

It's the individual citizens, and not the politicians!! Stop putting so much faith in the politicians, and start putting faith in ourselves!! It has nothing to do with race.

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