Monday, June 30, 2008

What moves you more, lyrics or music?

I have been a long fan of instrumental music, and occasionally get into debates over whether lyrics are always necessary. Can God speak to us via the music without lyrical content. A majority of the music listening public would argue there is no message without a lyric, and without a message there is no communication.

Granted many may argue that music and lyrics belong together. I know there is a Edgar Allen Poe quote that says: "Since the comprehension of sweet sound is our most indefinite conception, music when combined with a pleasurable idea is poetry. Music without the idea is simply music. Without music or an intriguing idea, colour become pallor, man becomes carcass, home becomes catacomb, and the dead are but for a moment motionless."

There is a logic that can tie both music and lyrics together, however I would argue that the human soul can be moved by either individually.

There are many times when I've been listening to a particularly simple song (musically speaking), however the lyric is extremely powerful. A good example of this would be the song "Strange Fruit", most famously recorded by Billie Holiday. Although quite a minimalistic musical piece with few lyrics, each word is powerful. Another lyrical favorite of mine is a song by Christian musician Steve Taylor called "The Finish Line".

I am not a huge "word oriented" person, so I am not moved by lyrics as many are. However, I believe you can also be as equally moved by an outstanding instrumental performance. I have frequently been drawn into a performance simply by the musicians and their command of their instrument. The instrument itself has rarely mattered to me. I have been in awe over harmonica, mandolin, banjo, piano, harp, percussion, etc. I will get drawn in to the performance, to the point where nothing else has my attention.

My position would be that you can be equally poetic with either words or music, and they don't have to necessarily be together.

As a Christian, I would argue that God can move the human spirit with what He chooses, and this can be via music without lyrics or lyrics without music. Sure, there are biblical portions that speak of the power of words, and I would not want to imply that to be incorrect. My point is, God speaks to each of us individually, and not always in the same way.

Have you had an instrumental piece of music speak to you as strongly as a lyric? Are lyrics required for music to praise God? Feel free to comment.

1 comment:

kzoodata said...

It's all about the music. Lyrics usually get in the way for me. Let's put it this way - if you're busy trying to decipher the lyrics, you can't hear the bass. Nyuk.