Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pro Tools 8 LE installed!!

Well, last night I finally got the upgrade to Pro Tools 8 LE installed.

In general, it went well. There were a couple major missing points in the Digidesign installation directions (like a couple required reboots), but I was going to be surprised if it actually only took less than 5 steps to complete. There was also missing detail in the uninstall routine for version 7.4, but I simply stuck with the basics and got through.

The new look is greatly improved, and certainly has a more modern feel. The black background on the mix view is much better than the previous gray. I like much of what I see, and look forward to getting familiar with the many new updated effect plug-ins.

I will be spending the next couple weeks simply getting my feet "wet" with the new layout and features, before jumping into the writing and pre-production process.

Exciting things to come...

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